A little about Reem

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I’m the owner/bookseller/bookfairy that has been delivering books around WeFo throughout lockdown while we try and get the bricks & mortar shop up and running. 

Here’s a little about me – My name is Reem,  and my origins hail from the oldest capital city in the world – Damascus (Syria).  My parents were emigrants who who moved around a bit so I ended up being born in the U.S.(with my twin who lives in San Francisco), and raised in London and the Middle East. 

I met my husband while studying for my Masters degree in London. A charming Aussie that did his thing and lured me down under back in 2008. Now we’ve been living in West Footscray for more than 10 years. 

I’ve spent most of my professional career as a social policy researcher in univeristies and with government. I recently got my PhD from Deakin University, after which I (perhaps belatedly) realised that a full on acacdemic career may not quite be my thing. I’ve also learned, in my various roles as a community leader (with Muslim Collective) that a vibrant local community is so vital for healthy living.

Last year’s lockdown really clarified how much our little community needs a local bookshop. I hope that my endeavour will deliver. Thanks everyone for their fantastic support and I hope to see you at the bookshop soon.
